And suddenly it is here: Autumn. You might like it or hate it but you have to admit: It is the coziest time of the year.
I love this cuddle-time, these wonderful days where you can be at home in bed, snuggling into your warm blanket. And I love the wonderful breakfast: Because as much as I love a green smoothie in spring I adore a warm porridge in autumn.

This porridge-variation is not only very autumnal but also chocolaty and almoust like mousse au chocolat with delicious raspberries. Try it!

Warmer Schokoladen Porrdige im Herbst: Wie Schoko-Mousse mit Himbeeren

Vegan Porridge for Autumn (almost like Chocolate Mousse)

What you need:

1 small cup rolled oats
1 small cup walnuts, whole (you could use ground ones as well but then you wouldn’t need a whole cup)
1 tbsp cacao powder, unsweetened
6-10 dates, depending on how sweet you want the porridge to be

Toppings (my favourites: frozen raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, coconut yogurt and maple syrup)

1 tsp psyllium husks, which make the porridge fluffy. But your portion will be much bigger as well.

Warmer Schokoladen Porrdige im Herbst: Wie Schoko-Mousse mit HimbeerenWow to make it:

1. Heat water in an electric kettle. At the beginning I always take around 2 cups but later I usually add a bit more.
2. Put the dates in a bowl and pour the boiling water over them. Let them rest for a few minutes.
3. In the meantime put all the other ingredients into a blender. Add the dates and the hot date-water.
4. Blend until the mixture is super-smooth. At the beginning this will be super easy but will get harder after a few minutes or even seconds as the water will disappear and the porridge will get viscous. This is the time where I add more water and mix again. I often even wait a few minutes in order to see if I need even more water. Especially when using the psyllium husk you need a loooooot of water!
5. As soon as your porridge is not too viscous anymore, pour it into one (or two) bowls and decorate with your favourite toppings. Enjoy your yummy chocolate-breakfast!

By the way: You can find more yummy and warm breakfast ideas HERE (Matcha Porridge),  HERE (Chocolate-Peanut-Porridge), HERE (Pumpkin-Smoothie-Bowl) and HERE (Amaranth-Iron-Power-Breakfast).Warmer Schokoladen Porrdige im Herbst: Wie Schoko-Mousse mit Himbeeren  Warmer Schokoladen Porrdige im Herbst: Wie Schoko-Mousse mit HimbeerenWarmer Schokoladen Porrdige im Herbst: Wie Schoko-Mousse mit Himbeeren

Idea, Words, Photography: Diana Ranegger