Where I come from there’s the tradition of eating braided yeast bread in the first week of November. As it is rarely vegan I thought I should try my own vegan version – and it turned out better and easier than expected! It tastes almost as the store-bought one, is very fluffy, sweet and just like in old times, especially if you have it with some raspberry jam. So, if you have some spare time in the next days: Try it immediately and eat it in the morning or maybe at Thanksgiving dinner! :)

vegan braided yeast bread recipe dogdays of summer vintage onlineshop graz austriaVegan Braided Yeast Bread

What you need (for 1 big or 3 small breads):

500 g spelt flour
280 ml soy milk
1 package dry yeast
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp unrefined sugar (or other, vegan and dry sweetener)
6 tbsp melted coconut fat (or coconut oil)
Raisins (if you want)

Almond slices (or something like that) for decoration

How to make it:

  1. Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Add the melted oil and soy milk and stir until everything is roughly combined. Then start kneading with your hands until you have a smooth and malleable dough.
  3. Put it back in the bowl, cover the bowl with a towel and let it rest on a warm place for about an hour.
  4. After an hour, take your dough, divide it in parts the same size and start braiding your bread. You can watch a video with an example on how to do that HERE. If you prefer smaller ones (like mine on the picture), make three single ones.
  5. If you’ve finished braiding your breads, coat them with some soy milk, add almonds if desired and bake them in the oven at 180° Celsius for about half an hour.
  6. Let them cool and enjoy them with home made jam :)

vegan braided yeast bread recipe dogdays of summer vintage onlineshop graz austria vegan braided yeast bread recipe dogdays of summer vintage onlineshop graz austria vegan braided yeast bread recipe dogdays of summer vintage onlineshop graz austria vegan braided yeast bread recipe dogdays of summer vintage onlineshop graz austria vegan braided yeast bread recipe dogdays of summer vintage onlineshop graz austriaCredits:
Idea, Words, Photographs: Diana Ranegger