Sometimes I feel completely lost in the drug store, searching for a deodorant without any harmful substances such as aluminium, alcohol or synthetic fragrances. At times, I could go nuts because there is nothing available that suits my needs. If you feel the same way as I do, we have the perfect solution for your problem: Our incredibly easy home-made coconut deodorant!
It works out perfectly, is good for your skin and has only five simple ingredients! It’s as easy as a pie!
What you need (75ml):
- 3 Tablespoons of high quality coconut oil
- 1 ½ Teaspoons of base powder (containing only basics, no vitamins, and especially no aluminium)
- ½ teaspoon rice starch
- ½ teaspoon baking soda (Natriumhydrogencarbonat)
- 5 drops oregano oil
- and a large and shallow pot to fill it in
How to make it:
1. If the base powder is grainy you should grind it in a mortar until it’s soft and has no lumps in it.
2. Add the baking soda and the rice starch.
3. If your coconut oil is not liquid, melt it now! High quality coconut oil is in a state between liquid and solid if you store it at room temperature.
4. Now combine the powdery substances with the liquid coconut oil, stir it slowly.
5. As the last step, add 5 drops of oregano oil.
6. Put it in a pot of your choice and keep it in the fridge over night.
7. And its done!! Now you can use your own self-made deodorant. Hell yeah!!
How to use it:
Just apply it with your fingers or with a little spatula if you have one. If its solid, it will melt as soon as it touches your skin and you can spread it easily.
So have fun with your home-made coconut deodorant and be proud of your aluminium, alcohol and package-free lifestyle!
Idea, Words, Photography: Johanna Kohlenberger
Keep this going please, great job!
You know I love your blog!!!
Hallo ihr Lieben,
möchte gerne das Deo nachmachen – könnt ihr mir sagen, was genau das “base-powder” und “Rice starch” ist? Wo bekomm ich das in der Umgebung? (Raum Weiz/Graz)
Danke u. Lg,
Hallo liebe Petra,
Freut uns riesig, dass dir das Rezept gefällt! :) Reisstärke und Basenpulver bekommst du normal beides in der Apotheke, frag dort einfach mal nach :) Apotheken sind grundsätzlich super für selbstgemachte Kosmetik, da sie auch Sachen wie Mandelöl und Rosenwasser und so weiter verkaufen. :)
Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir helfen. Wenn du noch Fragen hast, einfach melden :)
Diana mit Clarissa und Johanna